Bahamdoon Homes Hotel / فندق باحمدون i صنعاء‎

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YemenBahamdoon Homes Hotel / فندق باحمدون


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Al Hamdani Street Hada Sana Yemen, صنعاء‎، Yemen
kontakter telefon: +967 1 454 000
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Latitude: 15.331962, Longitude: 44.198191

kommentar 5

  • Mohammed Almoliki

    Mohammed Almoliki


    فندق باحمدون السياحي Moevenpick Sanaa is the traditional venue with its gift shop, shopping arcade and parking spaces. The residence was opened in 2005. This hotel offers luxurious rooms with views of the city and is located near a bus station. Location Bab al-Yaman is a 20-minute walk away. The property is less than 3.7 km from Al Thawra Park. In addition, Ghamdan Palace is within a walking distance of the venue. The luxurious hotel is located near Alnoor mosque. the rooms Guest rooms provide a telephone and climate control for guests' convenience. All rooms are contemporary designed. eat and drink A buffet breakfast can be enjoyed in the restaurant in the morning before work or a picnic. The restaurant serves international dishes. Guests can enjoy the juice bar. relaxation Guests can also relax in the steam bath. Number of rooms: 338. Former name: Movenpick Hotel Sanaa #Abu-Kareem_Aljamaei

  • ثابت علي عبده المريسي

    ثابت علي عبده المريسي


    Bahamdoun Hotel is a clean and excellent hotel, easy treatment and distinguished services

  • Azal SALLAM

    Azal SALLAM


    It is considered a finest and best hotel in Sana'a city, actually a racing hotel and deserves the experiment.

  • Alvin Leong

    Alvin Leong


    Miss this place very much and it's a very nice and comfortable place to live in.

  • Jamiel Almagaleh

    Jamiel Almagaleh


    Exceeded my expectations. This apparment hotel has a warm home like feeling. Perfect place to do business and relax.

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