Fish Restaurant i صنعاء‎

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YemenFish Restaurant



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شارع القاهرة, صنعاء‎, YE Yemen
kontakter telefon: +967 4 252 068
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Latitude: 13.5764359, Longitude: 44.0136865

kommentar 5

  • Bsheer Aldravee

    Bsheer Aldravee


    An old popular restaurant that specializes in grilling fish of all kinds and its baked goods are very wonderful, especially the chips (wet) and they have experience in mixing popular salads. Interactive workers in providing services actively and spontaneously. And the most distinguishing feature of the restaurant is where visitors sit for meals. The place is an open roof overlooking the central market, which is crowded with shoppers and simple vendors. And in front of you is the joyful view of the Cairo Citadel My first visit was a beautiful experience. There were many visits thereafter. You really feel a completely different atmosphere from the rest of the restaurants. Many of the people of Taiz know this restaurant. I hope those who have visited the restaurant and liked it. Click like to comment 👍

  • المحامي عمر الحميري

    المحامي عمر الحميري


    A popular fish restaurant, in a way I buy fresh fish from the fish market below the restaurant and go to the restaurant that provides what you need from cooking fish of all kinds, salads, drinks and "sahaouq" One of my favorite popular restaurants

  • IT_ Solutions

    IT_ Solutions


    The fish cook is good, but it lacks a lot of services and good looks for the restaurant

  • sadeg Almagnon

    sadeg Almagnon


    It is wonderful in bringing all kinds of fish that the guests desire, and it is distinguished in its attractive cooking.

  • nayf hassan

    nayf hassan


    God, God be upon you, Yemen myself ۆ God, I see Yemen like in the old days and rest what walks on my feet from the wholesale market to the hunting market and take half a kilo of fresh Dirk and go to Diab’s bakery at the end of the market and give him fish and walk to the cheese shop in front of the restaurant and take fifty hundred Real cheese from my country and then take the cheese to the juicer that is next to the cheese shop and give it to squeeze it, then go back to Diab’s restaurant and ask for a piece of double bread and then say in the name of God and eat fish that I have not tasted like in many countries of the world, even in America I did not find It is better than the fish of Yemen and the same as the dirk. As for cheese and sprinkles, it is something like it on the globe. May God protect Yemen and the Yemenis and all the Islamic and Arab countries and promise them security and safety Amen God

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