Bank financing cream smaller - Taiz Branch Street w Ibb

JemenBank financing cream smaller - Taiz Branch Street



🕗 godziny otwarcia

الاكامي ريمان, Ibb, YE Yemen
kontakt telefon: +967 775 177 607
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 13.9649203, Longitude: 44.1813127

komentarze 5

  • Mohammed al zanin

    Mohammed al zanin


    A bank whose services are very bad. If I open an account in a branch of Washti, I withdraw money from a second branch. A commission is deducted, as if the second branch is not entitled to deposit. The same is true. The commission for the transfer is expensive, but the exchange rates I think are somewhat excellent. There are also two exchanges, and the second thing is that there is nothing with you, and no. Your agents are only for the mother of money, although the Solidarity Bank is with him and both are with the cashiers. I hope for more development

  • زكريا عطاء zeeko Atta

    زكريا عطاء zeeko Atta


    The name must be modified, and its location is sensitive and beautiful so that it is close to customers

  • يحيى عبدالله الصوفي

    يحيى عبدالله الصوفي


    The largest Yemeni bank, and the transfer commission exceeds 40 percent, is a crime against humanity. Al-Karimi increases the suffering of Yemenis

  • Ohood Al.bokary.

    Ohood Al.bokary.


    Al-Kuraimi Bank is one of the best banks in Yemen. It contributes to the economic and social development in the livelihood of the individual and society through various financial services and with accumulated experience of more than forty years. Mandate. It works professionally and professionally away from any narrow affiliation, serving the citizen and siding with his service in the most difficult circumstances. They trained the human cadre and developed and equipped the branches and offices with equipment and modern technologies to keep pace with the best global practices in financial and banking services, to continue providing services despite all the difficult circumstances.

  • بلال سعيد العبيدي

    بلال سعيد العبيدي


    Al-Kuraimi Bank is the most widely spread in the Republic of Yemen in the field of exchange and money transfers Remarkably fast development Where before that it was a traditional money changer and then it became a bank and after that it became a multi-service bank, such as microfinance, savings, deposits and loans, and an accredited bank for disbursing civil services salaries, etc. And adding the ATM (automatic teller machine) to all its branches

najbliższy Bank

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