هيئة مستشفى الثورة العام - إب w Ibb

Jemenهيئة مستشفى الثورة العام - إب



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
X5GC+G3F, Ibb, Yemen
kontakt telefon: +967 774 801 232
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 13.9763091, Longitude: 44.1701787

komentarze 5

  • حركة 7raka

    حركة 7raka


    It is wonderful and offers high-end services. It has a variety of services. It has a good and very elegant administrative staff. It has a modern, non-traditional look that cannot be compared with any other place in the city. Very cheap and reasonable prices are better than Al-Ahlia. Wonderful and wonderful, from high-end and multiple services, and it has a wonderful, good and very elegant staff, and a traditional modern look that cannot be compared with any other place in the city.

  • عبد الحميد

    عبد الحميد


    It is very good and has good developments. It is considered the general hospital in the governorate of Ibb. It receives all cases and inpatients and performs all operations. It has good doctors, most of whom are in clinics and private hospitals. There is a dialysis department in it, which is affiliated with the state. It is the only hospital that receives all cases and at the cheapest prices.

  • مروان البدوي

    مروان البدوي


    The Hospital Authority provides excellent services to all patients Thanks and appreciation to all the staff Outstanding medical staff And management that deserves love and appreciation

  • ali ahmed mohammed alhubaishi

    ali ahmed mohammed alhubaishi


    A hospital that started to be greatly activated from 2019. I visited it before and it differs greatly in terms of performance and service compared to what it was previously. We wish you continued high performance

  • هيثم العميسي

    هيثم العميسي


    The best hospital in Ibb Governorate

najbliższy Szpital

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