مراكز السادة 2 لطب وجراحه الفم والاسنان w Ibb

Jemenمراكز السادة 2 لطب وجراحه الفم والاسنان



🕗 godziny otwarcia

شارع العدين، امام كلية الهندسة - جوار فندق إب جاردن، Ibb, Yemen
kontakt telefon: +967 773 005 530
strona internetowej: www.alsadah.co
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 13.9733842, Longitude: 44.1640923

komentarze 5

  • Gamelali Alwrefi

    Gamelali Alwrefi


    The best advanced and efficient center under the leadership of the brilliant doctor with the beautiful laugh and the most beautiful heart Dr. Wahib Gentlemen, you have all my respect and appreciation

  • جلال اﻻكحلي

    جلال اﻻكحلي


    One of the best and most prestigious dental centers in Yemen

  • Mohmmed Alshnh

    Mohmmed Alshnh


    I am very happy to get to know this center, and I am happy with the interaction, response, cooperation, gentleness of manners, welcome, hospitality, and good treatment and paper.. All of this stands behind a successful leadership led by Dr. Aziz Wahib Al-Sada The gentlemen’s centers in Ibb governorate and their branches are a beautiful interface for dental medicine and surgery in Ibb governorate and Yemen in general.

  • Nabiel Sharaf

    Nabiel Sharaf


    Gentlemen's Centers Group is one of the best dental centers in the Republic of Yemen

  • د. وهيب السادة

    د. وهيب السادة


    The best suitable place for oral treatment and dental implants in Ibb governorate and has branches in Al-Qaeda and Taiz governorate....

najbliższy Dentysta

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